1.0 Determining the type of Calibration
1factory facilitates the management of calibrations, whether they are conducted by a third-party calibration vendor or completed internally (In-House Calibration). This article will detail how to manage these types of calibrations within the gage module.
2.0 Third Party Calibration Vendor
To generate a calibration record conducted by a Third-Party Calibration Vendor, navigate to the desired Gage and click on the Calibration tab.
Within the Calibration tab, select the Add Calibration button to initiate a new Calibration Record. This action prompts the Calibration slide-out to appear, allowing you to fill in the necessary details. Here's a breakdown of the required information:
- Cal. Date: Input the date when the calibration was conducted by your vendor, typically found on the certificate.
- Cal. Type: Specify whether the calibration was Scheduled or Unscheduled.
- In-House Calibration: For Third-Party Calibration, set this to NO.
- Vendor: Will be set to your Default Cal. Vendor on found on the gages Facts page, if defined. However, the vendor can be changed by clicking the drop down list.
- Condition Before/After: Review and document the As Found / As Left data as indicated on the certificate.
- Cal. Frequency: Determine the frequency for the next calibration, which can be set in Days or Months.
- Action Taken: Describe the actions taken to address any out-of-calibration findings.
- Label Note: Add a special note to be displayed on the top right corner of the Gage's barcode.
- Note: Use this section to record additional feedback or actions.
Ensure to attach the Calibration Certification provided by using the Attachments Button and hitting the Save button.
3.0 In House Calibration
To generate a calibration record conducted Internally, navigate to the desired Gage and click on the Calibration tab.
Within the Calibration tab, select the Add Calibration button to initiate a new Calibration Record. This action prompts the Calibration slide-out to appear, allowing you to fill in the necessary details. Here's a breakdown of the required information:
- Cal. Date: Input the date when the calibration was conducted by your vendor, typically found on the certificate.
- Cal. Type: Specify whether the calibration was Scheduled or Unscheduled.
- In-House Calibration: Set this to YES.
- Vendor: Does not apply to In House Calibration.
- Calibration Data: Table provided to record your calibration findings for before and after conditions as well as having traceability back the the NIST traceable Master gage.
- Condition Before/After: Automatically changes based on the data entered in the Calibration table.
- Cal. Frequency: Determine the frequency for the next calibration, which can be set in Days or Months.
- Action Taken: Describe the actions taken to address any out-of-calibration findings.
- Label Note: Add a special note to be displayed on the top right corner of the Gage's barcode.
- Note: Use this section to record additional feedback or actions.