This is the first video of the 1factory tutorial series. These videos will help you and your team quickly get up to speed with all the features 1factory has to offer.
In this video, we go over how to create your first quality control plans.
What is a Plan?
A quality control plan defines what to measure, the specification, how to measure it, and what sampling rules to follow.
The method for creating manufacturing, and receiving plans are almost identical. The difference is whether you’re producing the part, or receiving it from a supplier.
What's Next?
In subsequent quality control plan related videos, we'll go more in-depth with the following functions:
- How to balloon your PDF drawings
- How to create manufacturing plans from a previous rev, Excel file, and cloned part
- How to convert plans from in. into mm and vice versa
- How to create plans for a tabulated part
Helpful Links
See these other articles for further help with quality control plans
- What is a Quality Control Plan?
- Creating a Quality Control Plan - 5 Ways
If this video didn't answer your question, or if you have further questions, please reach out to support@1factory.com or call +1 (855) 693-6836 ext.702 and we'll help you out.