You can create a quality control plan by importing an excel spreadsheet in .xlsx format only. A sample spreadsheet is attached below this post.
1factory recognizes the following column labels:
- Balloon #: Use this field for balloon numbers e.g. 1,2,3,4... [REQUIRED]
- Sheet/Zone: Use this field to capture Sheet and Zone e.g. S1 A3 i.e. Sheet 1 zone A3.
- Characteristic type: Must be one of the following types: Nom ± Tol, GD&T, Basic, Min - Max, Note, Nom++Tol, Nom -- Tol [REQUIRED]
- Places: This is the number of times the feature occurs on a part. E.g. a hole may be repeated 2 times, and will be denoted on the drawing as 3x.
- Characteristic: e.g. diameter, linear dimension, position etc. [REQUIRED] This is also where you fill in the text for a "Note" characteristic.
- Specification: e.g. 1.005 +/-.001 OR 7.590 ± 0.000 (***See Parsing Specifications below for formatting instructions)
- Bonus Tol.: Accepts one of three values MMC, RFS, LMC
- Descriptor: Text that follows a specification. For GD&T specs this is where the datums go e.g. A (M)|B | C. For other specs, this is where instructions go e.g. THRU HOLE.
- UoM: e.g. mm, inch, degrees etc.
- Data Type: NUM (i.e. a numeric measurement), P/F (Pass/Fail or Go/ No Go)
- Key: Is the characteristic critical-to-quality, yes/no?
- Label: A name for a key characteristic.
- Dim. Type: Accepts 4 values: STD (standard), MFG (manufacturing), DVN (deviation), or blank (which defaults to STD)
- Inspection Method: A free-form text field for inspection method. E.g. Caliper, CMM, etc.
- Work Instructions: A free-form field to add work-instructions. A future release will allow you to upload pdfs.
- Sampling: This field includes the Sampling Plan name and the desired AQL. E.g. C=0 1.0 or Z1.4_II 0.65. It could also include other sampling rules, such as 1 per lot, 1 in 5, 100% etc.
- Attachment: Attachments are by default "optional: i.e. they can always be uploaded along with inspections. However, in some cases attachments may be mandatory i.e. "required".
- Operation: e.g. Op 10, Milling etc.
- Inspection Types [optional]: A column for each inspection type you use. Headers named "INSP_TYPE [type name]", i.e. "INSP_TYPE Setup" or "INSP_TYPE In Process", etc. Cell values are formatted in the following manner:
If the spec will not be checked in the inspection type, simply type "N,,"
Or if you don't want to define the inspection method or sampling rule, "Y,," is also acceptable. See attachment "1Factory QC Plan Import Template - With Inspection Types.xlsx" for more examples of including inspection type information in your plan imports.
***Parsing Specifications:
1factory accepts specifications in the following formats:
- Nominal +/-Tol: e.g. 0.350+/-0.005
- Nominal ± Tol: e.g. 7.590 ± 0.003
- Nominal +Tol -Tol: e.g. 1.000 +0.002 -0.001
- Geometric Tolerance (i.e. +Tol): e.g. 0.005 [Must be entered in the +Tol field]
- Min only: 300 Min
- Max only: 20 Max
- Min, Max: e.g. 80, 90
- Min / Max: 11.5 / 13
- Min — Max: 11.5 — 13 (must be this large "em dash")
- Nominal, Min, Max: e.g. 5, 4, 6
- Nom + Tol + Tol: 15 +.10 +.05 (Nom, Upper Tol, Lower Tolerance)
- Nom - Tol - Tol: 15 -.02 -.07 (Nom, Upper Tol, Lower Tolerance)
- For "Note" types: Fill in the characteristic column, not the specification column