If you have Part Masters enabled, you MUST begin by adding every new Part Number & Revision to the Part Master table (instead of beginning with a QC Plan or an NCR).
To Add a Part to the Part Master table:
- Click on + New Part
- Enter the Part Number & Revision (Part Number and Revision combination must be unique)
- Then enter the Part Description and other properties in the header
Once a Part Master has been created, you can then navigate over to the QC Plan page, add a new plan, then select the Part Number & Rev to create a QC Plan or to create NCRs, CAPAs, and SCARs.
The following information may be optionally added to the Part Master:
- To enable the Bill of Material feature-set and future traveler capability, you will need to create single-level Bills of Materials by adding components. This can be achieved by either importing an excel file, or by adding components manually. Note: Before you can associate a component to it's parent, you must create the component in 1factory. (i.e. you must follow step 2 above for every parent and every component before you can connect them with a BoM)
- To enable Traceability, we recommend filling out the other properties.
- Unit of Measure e.g. Each
- Cost e.g. $1400
- Traceability: Select from: None, Batch Number, and Batch & Serial Number