Data Precision & Rounding
Under Report Settings, you'll be able to select one of three options shown below. In all three cases, the Excel data cells are formatted as "Number".
Under Report Settings, you'll be able to select one of three options shown below. In all three cases, the Excel data cells are formatted as "Number".
- Data As Entered; No Rounding: Excel Report is output with exactly the number of places entered; there is no rounding.
- Inferred from Spec Tolerance; ASTM Rounding: The number of places to be displayed in the report is inferred from the Nominal and Tolerance provided in the spec. e.g. A spec of Dia 1.500 +/-.005 will result in a display of three decimal places in the output report. Data Rounding will follow ASTM rules.
- Set Manually in Spec; ASTM Rounding: The number of places to be displayed in the report is set by the user in the Add Spec slide-out on the QC Plan. e.g. Data Rounding will follow ASTM rules.

Note: The raw data download from the spreadsheet/matrix data-entry screen is always output with exactly the number of places entered, and without rounding.