1. Download List of First Article Inspections (FAIs):You can now download your list of FAIs for meta-data analysis. The download will include all the meta-data fields such as Part Number, Work Order Number, Date Created etc.
We've also made improvements to the Manufacturing and Receiving Inspection Download files, by adding the following columns to the download: Created By, Inspected By, and Approved By.
2. Short-Cut to Part View:As you know, we have three views or screens for measurement data entry:
a. A Spec View (or feature) page which includes a histogram and run-chart. This page is focused on data entry for one feature at-a-time.
b. A Matrix (or spreadsheet) page which shows All Features and All Parts, accessed by clicking on the + Measurements button.
c. A Part View (or unit) page which displays all features for the selected part.
The Enhancement: Previously, you could only access the Part View after clicking on Measurements, and then selecting a part to focus on. In the new design, we've added a short-cut to the Part view. You can now also access the Part View page from the inspection summary page with a single click. Clicking on Part View will take you to the first measurement (if the inspection is empty), or to the last measurement (if the inspection is in progress).
3. Fractional Data Entry:You can now enter measurement data in fractions e.g. 1 3/4, and the system will automatically convert to decimals (e.g. 1.75) and check for pass/fail. Note: Data will still be stored in decimal format.
4. SCAR Charts:We've added Pareto charts for SCARs. These are similar to the Pareto Charts for NCRs and CAPAs. Remember, there are many ways to Pareto the data. Simply click on Data Source to see the full list:
5. Settings:We've made layout improvements to the settings page, and grouped settings by function (e.g. Plans, Inspections, NCRs etc).
We've also added a number of
new settings:
a. Dashboard DPPM or %: Supplier or Manufacturing dashboards can now be viewed as % Defective or DPPM
b. Part Properties (e.g.) Shift or Cavity: You can now add an optional Part Properties column to an inspection. For example, some of customers need to track the "Shift" the part was produced in, while others need to track "Cavity" from which the part was produced.
c. Displaying Completed Inspections: You can now hide completed inspections by changing a setting
d. Default Chart Date Range: You can now set the default date range for all charts and dashboards by selecting from one of the following options:
6. Inspection Complete / Incomplete and Pass/Fail:We've made improvements to the Manage functionality under Inspections. Now you can get a quick overview of:
1. Percentage of
PARTS Passed and Failed, and
2. Percentage of
FEATURES (Specs) Complete and Incomplete
7. Progress Filtering:You can also filter the progress column on the inspection summary page to quickly find Failed Parts and Incomplete Features.
8. Serial Number Field in Part View:Serial numbers can now be directly added / edited in the Part View page.
9. Logins for Users without email:You can now create user logins for users without emails (typically factory floor users):
1. Create a user name in an email format e.g. John.X@machineco.com
2. Assign the user a role
3. Set "Has Email" to "No"
4. Click on Generate Temporary Password to create a password and provide it to user.
5. The user will need to create their own password during their first login.
IMPORTANT ACTION:If you have previously added users without emails, please update the user's profile and set "Has Email" to "No" to prevent unnecessary emails from 1factory.
As always, we are available to answer any questions. We also welcome any feedback related to these or other changes. You can reach us at the email or number below.
1factory, Inc.
email: support@1factory.com
phone: +1-855-693-6836