Audit Findings, Gage Calibration, Changes to CMM Uploads, and Other Improvements
On Thursday, September 13, 2018, we deployed the following new features and enhancements:
- Audit Findings Management
- Gage Calibration Management
- Changes to CMM Upload
- Further Improvements to NCRs, CAPAs, and SCARs
1. Audit Findings: You can now create and manage Audit Findings in 1factory. Audit Findings can be of three types:
- Internal Audits
- Customer Audits
- Audit by Certifying Body / Agency
2. Gage Calibration Management: You can now manage your Gage Calibration Schedules in the 1factory system. Key features include:
- Add a Single Gage, or Upload a List of Gages
- Manage the Tool Crib, and Issue / Return Gages to Work Centers, Users, and/or Jobs
- Manage Calibration Schedules. Easily identify Past Due, Up-Coming (next 30 days), and OK-to-Use gages.
- Ensure that only a calibrated gage is used during an Inspection
3. Changes to CMM Uploads: 1factory supports data import for many different CMM Makes and CMM Programs. In addition, we provide custom import solutions where needed. Here are some of the CMM report styles 1factory can read:
- Zeiss Calypso
- CMM Manager
- Mitutoyo
- Cirris
In this release, we've changed how we manage the CMM import to accommodate the needs of our customers who operate multiple types of CMMs.
- You can now set a "default" CMM type under settings
- And, you can switch to a different file format during the time of inspection if needed

4. Further Improvements to NCRs, CAPAs, and SCARs:
- Improvements to the More tab for CAPAs and SCARs:
- Capture Serial Number and Date Code fields on CAPAs and SCARs
- View the parent NCR, and optionally add associated NCRs for a CAPA
- View the parent NCR for a SCAR
- Improvements to the More tab for NCRs:
- View the parent Inspection ID, Related CAPAs, and Related SCARs
PS: A few feature reminders: (1) You can always "re-open" an NCR if needed. Simply change the NCR's status on the Manage tab from "Closed" to "Open", and back to "Closed" when you are done making changes. (2) We have added a number of new Chart Types for NCRs. You can now view NCR Paretos by: - Problem Type - Root Cause - Caused By - Disposition - Part Number - Customer - Supplier - NCR Type (Manufacturing, Receiving, Customer Complaints)
Thank you. Customer Support