Here's a list of some of the new features built and released over the last few months.
1. PPAP (PFMEA, Control Plan) We have made the following improvements to the PFMEA and Control Plan feature set:
1.1. PPAP Processes Tile
The PPAP Master Table has been moved under the Master Data tab (to the PPAP Processes Tile). As before, you can load default PFMEA and Control Plan elements into the PPAP Process Master Table which can then be reused for all future PPAPs.
1.2. PFMEA:In the PFMEA section of the PPAP Master Table , you can now add multiple Failure Modes, and multiple Causes for each Failure Mode by adding rows where needed. (Previously users were limited to one Failure Mode row per Process).
1.3. Control Plan:We have split the Control Plan into
two Sub-Tables:
Product Control Plan: This section of the control plan defines the controls for each Product Parameter. (e.g. Diameter, Position etc.) and inherits spec from the QC Plan.
Process Control Plan: This section of the control plan defines the controls for each Process Parameter (e.g. Pressure, Temperature, Speed etc.) and users can add Process Parameters as needed.
When you output a control plan report, 1factory
combines both the Product Control Plan and the Process Control Plan into a single report grouped by Operation.
2. Version ControlIn preparation for new E-Signature capability (below), we are moving the Green Draft and Release buttons from the Left-Hand Menu to the Manage tab on the Plan.
In addition, we have added the ability to add Release Notes for each Version. Release Notes can be added using the Comments field on the Manage tab.

3. E-SignatureWe have now added (optional) E-Signature capability for Plans and Inspections.
3.1 Plans:With E-Signatures activated, 1factory will require a signature when you
release a Plan from DRAFT to RELEASE.
3.2 Inspections:With E-Signatures activated, 1factory requires
three sets of signatures on Inspections.
-- Inspectors can sign electronically to confirm they have entered the data in the inspection
-- An Inspector or Supervisor can sign electronically after making an Accept or Reject decision on a batch
-- A Reviewer (Supervisor or Manager) can sign electronically to confirm they have reviewed an inspection record.
4. Approved Vendor List (AVL)We have made a number of enhancements to the AVL functionality:
4.1. Supplier Performance: A supplier's performance in terms of Quality & Cost since the last time a supplier was Qualified, can now be viewed directly on that supplier's page
4.2. Enforcing Supplier Qualification: If you choose to enforce supplier qualification (via a setting), 1factory will prevent a disqualified supplier from being added to a Plan. 1factory will also flag conditional suppliers, suppliers with expired certs, and suppliers with expired qualifications.
5. German and Italian LanguageWe have recently added German and Italian language options for the user interface. These are in addition to existing user interfaces for Spanish, French, and Simplified Chinese.
6. CMMWe can now import data from the following new CMM types:
1. DeMeet
2. Nikon
3. Quartis
4. Verisurf
These are in addition to our existing ability to import data from Zeiss, CMM Manager, Mitutoyo, Keyence, PCDMIS, MicroVu and many other CMMs.
7. Composite PlansWe have redesigned how composite inspections work. Instead of listing the features for each component and the parent assembly on the same inspection sheet (which creates confusion with overlapping balloon numbers), we now assemble a composite inspection as a collection of inspection reports.
In the example below, the composite inspection is made up of three inspection packages: The Parent Inspection, and Two Component Inspections. The user can navigate through the Parent Part inspection and each Component Part inspection and collect all the required data.
8. Process Control BarWe have added a visual control to the Part View page so you can easily see where a measurement fell in the tolerance band (i.e. where it fell between the LSL and the USL).
In the example below, the black line indicates the data is in the yellow (warning) zone close to the red (out-of-spec) zone.
9. Move Balloons With Auto-SaveA user no longer needs to click save after moving a balloon. Instead, 1factory auto-saves the balloon position once you've finished moving it.
10. Drawing Detail We have improved the design of the Drawing Detail slide-out. You can now Zoom out to cover the entire drawing, and easily move around (i.e. pan) across the drawing with horizontal and vertical scroll bars.
11. Open Tasks on NCRsWe have added a column on the List of NCRs page so users can easily identify NCRs with Open tasks, Closed tasks, or no tasks (N/A).
12. Multi-ChartWe have increased the number of concurrent charts available under Multi-charts from 50 to 250. This will allow users to easily monitor multiple part parameters on a single screen.
And, as always, we are available to answer any questions. We also welcome any feedback related to these or other changes. You can reach us at the email or number below.