In order to assign a supplier name to an inspection, you must follow the following steps:
1. Create a master list of suppliers:
-- Click on your name in the top right-hand corner
-- Click on List-of-Values
-- Select Suppliers, and add your list of suppliers there
2. Declare approved suppliers for each part in the QC Plan:
-- In the QC Plan, you can list which subset of suppliers (multiple allowed) you can buy this part from. In the example below, we are buying this part 001-3450980 from Beta Technologies and Epsilon Elements.
3. Select supplier from whom you received that specific inspection lot:
-- In the Inspection, you will see only the subset of suppliers defined in the plan, and you can select the exact supplier from whom you bought this part. In the example below, we have recived Batch T2300 of part 001-3450980 from supplier Beta Technologies.