Frequently Asked Questions
- Prerequisites for a CMM auto upload file
- Which C=0 sampling table does 1factory use for AQL's?
- How to Search or Filter by Object "Created On" Date Range
- Why am I unable to add/edit data to an inspection?
- Why do I only see one sheet of my drawing? How do I navigate to the next page of the drawing?
- How do I delete a QC Plan, Inspection, NCR, or CAPA?
- Why is data imported from a CMM rounded to the nearest 0.01 or 0.001?
- Which engineering symbols does 1factory recognize? OR What should I type into the characteristic field in order to see the associated engineering symbol?
- I recently added a QC Plan, but I do not see the QC Plan in the list when creating a new Inspection
- How can I enter measurement data (keyboard, excel upload, digital-gage, barcode reader, CMM import etc)
- Why is there a lag between when a change is made to a QC Plan, and when an open Inspection is updated?
- What are Inspection Identifiers?
- Why am I unable to click into a Plan or Inspection?
- How to select a supplier name on the Receiving Inspection?